Friday 20 July 2018

10 Metre Drawing to Save The Bees

On the 28th July, I will be attempting to complete a 10 metre drawing at the Annerley Junction Fest Jumble from between 9am and 2pm.

The theme of the Jumble is sustainability and environment, and I'm embracing these two themes throughout the drawing.

I'm inviting everyone along to join me by drawing something of their own onto the 10 metre page for a gold coin donation, which at the completion of the drawing, will be donated to Save The Bees Australia.

No drawing will be started before the 9am time, and I will be using a mix of markers, including markers from the Sharpie and Ironlak brands.  Coloured markers will be on hand for those who wish to participate with their own creative flair, and coloured pencils will be available for the kids.

For every young participant, I will be handing out free "How To Draw Bees" worksheet so they can continue their creativity at home.

Bees perform about 80% of all pollination worldwide. Can you imagine what would happen if the bees go extinct?

Save The Bees Australia ( is focused on saving as many bees as possible. They raise funds to be able to take problem swarms (bee swarms that are in a place where they are not wanted), and re-home them so that they may continue to pollinate all our healthy foods that we love to eat.

By giving a gold coin donation to participate in this drawing, you are helping to fund research into the nasty Varroa mite, which infiltrate the beehive and cause malformation and weakening of honeybees.

I'd love to see you at the Annerley Juntion Fest Jumble on the 28th July, and it would be great if you would lend your creativity to the 10 metre drawing to save the bees!

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Still working on the bees

I wish to say hello to all the folks and welcome to the newest update in two weeks! I am now back at Uni for the next 12 weeks studying ha...